
Laura Machan is a Partner with a major human resource consulting firm based in Toronto, Ontario.

Although she has been recruiting for quite a few years, she still gets a big thrill from calling someone to set up an interview and an even bigger thrill when she hears a happy dance as she tells them when their new job starts.

She has worked with clients in many industries but most of them have had something to do with engineering of some kind or other: utilities, power generation, energy efficiency consulting, food manufacturing, ; basically, any company that is growing and has an interesting story to tell.

Laura has a BA in Canadian Studies from the University of Toronto (UTM 88). She has completed the Human Resources Executive Program at the Rotman School of Business and has a certificate in Adult Education.  Her education has been rounded out by a recent course in Standup Comedy (Writing and Performance) at Humber College.

Laura does most her of volunteer work with Women in Nuclear.  She sits on the national board and has recently retired from the Leading Group of the Golden Horseshoe West Chapter.   Her previous volunteer gig was with the Oakville chapter of the Canadian Federation of University Women. She led a fundraising initiative that was very successful and raised over $7500 for the group’s scholarship fund.

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